
Geometry in Two Dimensions

The elementary objects of projective geometry, points and lines can be created using the Point and Line classes without having to specify the dimension:

from geometer import *

p = Point(2, 4)
q = Point(3, 5)
l = Line(p, q)
m = Line(0, 1, 0)

Here we specified a line once by two base points and once using the homogeneous coordinates of the line. The two elementary operations meet and join can also be called exactly as one would expect:

l = join(p, q)
r = meet(l, m)

Geometer can also construct parallel and perpendicular lines:

m = l.parallel(through=Point(1, 1))
n = l.perpendicular(through=Point(1, 1))
is_perpendicular(m, n)

The function is_perpendicular() returns True when two lines are perpendicular. Other angles an distances can also be calculated:

a = angle(l, Point(1, 0))
dist(l, p)

import numpy as np
p + 2*dist(p, q)*Point(np.cos(a), np.sin(a))

Projective transformations can be easily created using the methods rotation and translation or by supplying a matrix to the Transformation class:

t1 = translation(0, -1)
t2 = rotation(-np.pi)
t3 = Transformation([[0, 1, 0],
                     [1, 0, 0],
                     [0, 0, 1]])

Geometer also includes tools to work with conics. They can be created using the classes Conic or Circle:

a = Point(-1, 0)
b = Point(0, 3)
c = Point(1, 2)
d = Point(2, 1)
e = Point(0, -1)

conic = Conic.from_points(a, b, c, d, e)

To calculate cross ratios of points or lines, the function crossratio() can be used:

t = rotation(np.pi/16)
crossratio(q, t*q, t**2 * q, t**3 * q, p)

Other interesting operators are harmonic_set(), angle_bisectors(), is_cocircular() and is_collinear().

Geometry in Three Dimensions

Creating points and lines in 3D works the same as in the two dimensional case:

p1 = Point(1, 1, 0)
p2 = Point(2, 1, 0)
p3 = Point(3, 4, 0)
l = Line(p1, p2)

In addition to points and lines, in three dimensions we can use the Plane class or the join operation to create planes:

A = join(l, p3)
A.project(Point(3, 4, 5))

Points can be projected onto planes and lines. The result is still a point in 3D but now lying on the plane.

The point of intersection of a plane and a line can be calculated with the meet operation:

l = Line(Point(1, 2, 3), Point(3, 4, 5))

All other operations such as angles, distances, perpendicular lines, cross ratios are also compatible with objects in 3D. For information on their usage, you can look at the two dimensional example.